Located in St. Malo Provincial Park. Don't forget your pass. Fairly easy walk -interesting view - Waterproof match container. Bring your own pencil. FTF gets McD coupon. We all love a fun find so...log in such a manner. Those who located the nearby hide are in for more of the same. Why a smaller cache in the woods you ask? We live too far away to risk a larger hide in a busy place. Cachers who live close by are welcome to hide more caches just over 500 feet away. Lots of places in this lovely park. |
7/13/2008 by Kabuthunk
I might have found this yesterday, when we were originally planning on heading to the beach at St. Malo... but the ceaseless rain and cold weather kinda canceled THAT plan anyway . So myself, my wife Laura, and my best friend Justin took a trip down to the Saint of Malo's for a day of fun in the sun. And water. And when it comes to me... inevitably sand.
Yes, I'm a 28-year old that likes to play in the sand, sue me . But I put the entire BEACH in awe of what I make... giant, mother holes in the ground. At Grand Beach once, I was able to bury myself almost to my neck vertically! Unfortunately, it appears St. Malo (or at least the side of the beach we were on today) has clay and dirt about 2 feet down at the deepest... so that kinda sucked
But I digress (which seems to be common... but I quite enjoy digressing). After a bit of a swim (in the fairly cold water... c'mon summer, warm the hell up already!) and some hole-digging, Justin and I decided to tackle a geocache. I kinda wanted to take more than one, but kinda hard when you're the only geocacher in a group of people . In either case... this cache was the closest, and thusly the one we went after. We made a bit of a detour, since we wanted to check out a waterfall-looking thing. I can honestly say that of all the times I've visited St. Malo, I've never before seen that water... slanty... thingy. I'm not sure what its purpose is, but it was cool. And despite the blatant, large signs indicating 'no sliding down the (causeway? waterway? drainway? spillway? Wait... I think that's the one) spillway, I saw some kid go down it on a floater-board type thing. Looked like it coulda been fun, but also looks like it coulda hurt like hell if he fell off mid-slide.
But as mesmerized as we were watching water rush down the spillway, we had a cache to find! The travel was a bit slow, since I didn't have the forethought to wear my sandals (since I was just in the sand, I didn't have them on to begin with). Albeit this would have been nothing when I was a kid growing up in the country, my feet have been weakassified from city living. Bah, back in the day, even new, sharp limestone gravel wouldn't bug me.
But make it I did regardless. Upon arriving near the coordinates, I gingerly worked my way around the rocks looking for a cache of some sort. Unfortunately, I also didn't have my glasses either (don't wear 'em while swimming/sand-playing/etc), so the search was a little fuzzy. I'm not THAT bad without glasses, but they definitely would have cleared up a lot of the detail.
After a few minutes, I noticed something that could only have been a "lid" for a cache-hiding-spot. Opening it, I got the startle of my life. Again... lack of glasses... can't make out detail. However, after a few pokes, I confirmed that it was indeed a cache container . Taking it out of the mosquito-riddled area, I signed up the logbook and left it a micromail ball. Definitely a fun hunt, I must admit
. There was still one part remaining... the cache replacement. I once again worried for my feet stepping on a sharp stick pointing upwards or something, but I got lucky. After replacing the cache, I headed out. Thanks for giving me a cache to hunt for while at St. Malo
. Definitely fun, and it introduced me to the spillway that I had never before seen
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Hints (Back)
The unique twisted branch points to it.