The cache is a black army decon container - 3x4x2" - and is located in a park. Original cache contents include: pencil, logbook, FTF certificate, post-it notepad, Canada hackey-sack, Canada flag tattoos, Cdn. nailclipper, and Cdn. mini-playing cards. (We placed this just before the Canada Day weekend!). Park at the Mitchell Arena. |
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9/13/2006 by Kabuthunk
Found this one with my mom when we were on our way to Steinbach. Had about four caches to tackle, and this was the second. I never knew there was any kind of 'bigfoot days' or anything like that here. Almost wish I woulda known as a kid... sounds like it would have been entertaining. I was all about looking into mythical creatures and stuff way back when . So... given that last sentence, I just HAD to go out of the way to get a cache referencing bigfoot
. Thanks for the hide. Quite a clever little spot :}
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball (see profile)
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)