Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
7/14/2007 by Kabuthunk
A victory is ours! Myself, and two friends went after some geocaches (relatively successfully, given the typically non-geocaching nature of the other two
), and this was the first find of the day. Actually, someone had knocked over the nearby garbage can, and all the trash was strewn all over the place. We did our part of CITOing and righted the bin and put all the trash back into it. Clean again
But anyhoo... after a relatively prickly 5 minutes of arboreal acupuncture, one of my friends spotted the cache! WOOH! Saved me from further injury by conifer
. VERY creative hiding spot! But holy HELL, when you said that the camo is fragile, you weren't kidding! We were trying to treat that thing like an faberge egg, held in a crystal glass, balanced over razorblade-thin glass
. So after gently, GENTLY obtaining the actual cache container, I signed it up, left a chainmail ball for the taking (although I didn't see the geocoin inside offhand. Had I, I'd have likely taken it to migrate onwards). Then came the excruciatingly slow and careful procedure of putting it BACK into it's hiding spot. After it was back, we began to breath normally again
Nice little location, and despite the fragility of the camo, quite the awesome hiding idea
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)