Small container wrapped in cammo tape. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
11/5/2011 by Kabuthunk
Last cache of the day for me, and it was nice to at least even up my statistics for the day. I started out with two DNF’s, and followed it up with two finds. Coulda been worse. After the first two DNF’s, I was a bit hesitant about going into a caching hunt blind, so I pulled out my palm pilot and checked out the description and previous logs before even going after this one. There was a distinct chance that it might not have helped one way or the other, since I’ve forgotten to update my... everything for the past several weeks. It was actually this that caused one of the previous DNF’s, what with me not realizing that a cache had been disabled as missing about a week ago. I was mainly just crossing my fingers that I wouldn’t run into the same problem again (not that I knew that was the problem until I saw the updated page at home later).
So having just located the nearby Vive les pistes cyclables! cache nearby, after the description checked out and gave me a few tips to follow, I headed on over to this cache. Up until the find, this was apparently the second closest cache to home. I’ve been eyeing this one for a while now, but either due to procrastination or laziness or whatnot, I haven’t gotten around to going after it. Today for some reason, I was in a caching frenzy of sorts (well, frenzy as compared to the past while where I’d generally only go after a single cache on a given day, maybe two). And surprisingly, my non-caching wife was with me all the way through it! Well, waiting in the car for me and reading, but close enough
Driving on over, I quickly found the area (although it was a bit of an adventure to get across St. Mary’s with the Saturday traffic happening at the time). Moments later, I found what had to be the triangular-shaped park on the GPS and parked relatively nearby. I was first planning to do a quick drive-by to scope out the area, since previous logs indicated that tons of bystanders seemed to be a problem. However, when I showed up it was pretty much entirely abandoned. Nobody was even in their front yards raking leaves or whatever... just quiet as far as the eye could see. Which is really surprising since this seems to be centered around a whole ton of residential streets, it was a Saturday, and it was gorgeous out for November. But hey, I’m not going to argue with being able to dial down my stealthiness and crank up my speed a bit
So with the area nice and quiet, I wandered on over and... thought the area seemed kinda familiar. As it turns out, I was correct. Almost a bit of a surprise that I managed to remember an area from inside my first 100 caches, from over 5 years ago. But I digress. With the coast clear, I set my eyes on the goal and headed in. At first I began hunting in the wrong location, and was somewhat frustrating myself by managing to do things in what would seem the most difficult way possible. After a few minutes of this, on a whim I decided to try a slightly different spot, in hopes that I’d stumble across the cache container and save myself a ton of time.
Well whaddya know, about 5 seconds after making this decision, I stumbled across the cache container. It was quite the pleasant surprise, since I figured this cache might put up a lot of a fight, what with the metric ton of natural camouflage covering... well... everything
. I parked myself on the nearby bench, signed the logbook and dropped in a chainmail ball. With everything said and done, I replaced the cache as found, made sure it was well and hidden, and headed back to the car victorious.
Thanks for bringing me back out here. Hopefully when we can afford to get a house, we’ll be able to get one near a nice park like this one
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)