Important things first

They only grow up once Pleading eyes face


Yes, I'm sure she remembers quite well.

In other news, things are progressing! Boxes are getting opened, unpacked and put away, the room is becoming useable, and my bicycle will be up and running once again very soon! The ol' girl's been with me since May 4, 2002, just a smidge younger than Zebeth herself! The wheels should be in soon (it was too expensive to ship them), and then, she will ride again! So that'll be fun ^_^

No specifically new art, aside from UPDATE SCHEDULE A-COMING! YES! My muse has awakened! Hibernation is complete! I have taken a ream of looseleaf with me on the trains, and have already drawn up the next 6 strips of Zebeth after this one! So I am planning a once-a-week update schedule at this time, to make time for all of my other arts that need to be done, such as finishing off the Dungeons and Dragons stuff, finishing off like 3 staves that have partially been carved, making more dragons, and other fun stuff! So once those things start kicking off, I shall be posting about them with the WEEKLY UPDATE, WOOOOOOH!

So awesome :D


Some distance later
Uuuuugh... that... was horribly reminiscent.
But... the jar survived. I will count this as *hurk* a partial success.
*shkss* *chunk*
I may have missed, but surely at least I've terrified them with my return. anyways, he's been jumping a lot lately. HE must be stretching his new muscles.
Did anyone want to talk about Mother Brain rolling past just now?
Important things first, Grunky is growing up!

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's always ever been free.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.