Scroll of Titan Summoning Scroll, Legendary When you take a Magic action to read this scroll, a particular titan named in the scroll appears in an unoccupied space on the ground or in water that you can see within 1 mile of yourself. The DM picks a suitable titan or determines it randomly by rolling on the table below. The titan is Hostile towards all other creatures and disappears when it drops to 0 Hit Points. If the titan is summoned into a space that isn't large enough to contain it, the summoning fails, and the scroll is wasted. 1d100 Titan 01-15 Animal Lord 16-30 Blob of Annihilation 31-45 Colossus 46-60 Elemental Cataclysm 61-75 Empyrean 76-90 Kraken (requires water) 91-00 Tarrasque