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Yes, my Queen!

Sir Vorock! Whoa!
How do you work this thing?! I can't open the galss.. oh CRAP!
*click* *BEEP* *click* *beep*
..She's going to be pissed..

My Queen, I do not mean to question your great plan but.. why did you send Vorock?
I had my reasons, but the main one? He's stronger than any of you, he's also braver.
How are the mining operations in Norfair coming? HAve you found any more Tyrolite?
The Tyrolite we did find didn't seem to possess the same qualities as the batch we found earlier. But we're still searching.
I suggest we run a scan on nearby planets for the mineral, we'll need as much as we can to continue our plan.
Yes, my Queen.
...Did you authorize Vorock to leave again?
...What?! No.

*Moments Later*
...So let me get this straight, there was something attacking Vorock and you didn't contact me about an intruder? Nor did you contact me for permission to activate the T&D? You just... randomly PUSHED BUTTONS?!
You owe me over 30 pounds of purified Tyrolite!! You just cost us one of our few remaining chances at fulfilling my master plan! You're a disgrace!! KILL HER!!
With pleasure, my Queen.
Rggg! If I didn't know any better, I'd say I sent Vorock because he's SMARTER than all of you IDIOTS!
...Even me?
No, you're a scientist. Of course you're smarter.
...I'm not... dead!
*cough cough*
Yes, my Queen.

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Vorock, Rezuni, and all other original characters are my own creations. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint. The html was based off of Hiroshi and Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.