This cache is in honour of my brother who gave me my GPS and introduced me to this great sport and because he has to take some time off from geocaching. It is in one of my favourite dog walking parks. It is a small container with a logbook and small pencil. It has a few small items in it. |
3/21/2007 by Kabuthunk
I had been eying this cache for a while since I had last been in the area. This was like... the last cache in the general vicinity that I hadn't found as of yet. Mainly due to the complete and utter lack of parking immediately nearby . I sucked it up and parked on a nearby street and walked the 250 someodd meters to the cache. Which was quite interesting, because the back-alley road was completely covered with water in some areas. It made for some interesting walking around puddles
But... I quickly found a spot to step over that chain where there wasn't much snow. By that big tree right by the chain. You'd know what I mean if you were standing there . In either case... there appeared to already be a path of people's footsteps to the cache location in general. Yay, feet-not-getting-wetter-than-they-already-are!
The cache was quickly found though. Probably good I have a fairly long reach. A quick extraction, and a chainmail ball and "Gramma Bonnie's Bug" TB found their way into the cache.
After signing the logbook, I started back... and that's when I noticed quite possibly WHY there were footsteps leading to the area. The two trees immediately beside the cache? Yeah, those appear to be gone now. The bases of the trees look cut off relatively recently, and there's sawdust all over the snow beside 'em. No clue how recent this happened, but given the sawdust was on top of the snow instead of hidden under a layer of it... yeah... I'm guessing are those two trees were cut down sometime after the last snowfall. Could just be that the layer of snow that DID cover the sawdust had melted though... I dunno.
So yeah... cache owner might want to keep an eye on this area. If you see city workers with chainsaws nearby, you may wanna go for a rescue attempt.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, Gramma Bonnie's Bug TB, and chainmail ball
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