No Kilt Required! MacGregor, Manitoba
MacGregor was named by Marquis of Lorne after his chaplain, Rev. James MacGregor. The town holds an annual Tartan days to commemorate it’s Scottish roots. The cache is located in a quiet park in the heart of town. You can enjoy the nearby pool, tennis courts, baseball diamonds or even a round of golf.
A camoed plastic container with log book, pencil, trinkets, and FTF |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
8/12/2007 by Kabuthunk
On our way back to Winnipeg from the 125 year Gladstone celebration thing, it nice and early in the day... and with the others in the car reading books, they had no qualms with me stopping for a few geocaches on the way. Hence, while they were reading, they suddenly noticed me... slowing down suddenly, and taking a right-turn into the town of MagGregor. A few quick words later, and they went back to their book, and I went back to the GPS, looking for the closest parking to the geocache. Well... the GPS tried stopping me on the wrong side of the park, so a quick swinging around, and we parked right near the entrance path.
By the way... what's with all those round stones with what appear to be family's names on 'em? The theory that I'm currently running with is that anyone who lives there is allowed to paint their own rock and place it in the park wherever they want. I'm probably wrong... but it seemed to make sense to me at the time .
I ended up taking the 'long way' to the cache location... a somewhat winding path that kinda circled around a bit before coughing me up in front of the geocache. Had I gone left instead of right, I would have been at the cache in about 45 paces . Cracking open the geocache, I find... I don't have my pen or bag o' chainmail balls! I left 'em in the car! I could sign the log with the pen in the cache... but debated whether or not to go back to the car for the chainmail balls. I attempted to make a 'makeshift' chainmail ball out of anything I could find nearby. The only thing nearby was some camo hockey-tape in the cache... and for the record, using small pieces of it makes a very, VERY horrible mobius-ball
. I decided to jog back to the car, grab my stuff, and jog back. One chainmail ball later, and I had ye olde sense of accomplishment of finding a cache and leaving my signature item. I'm sure that had I left the "hockey-tape mobius-ball" only, I would have been pissed off at myself enough to drive back to MacGregor sometime in the future to put one in
But... it was a beautiful park, and those circular stone things were quite entertaining and interesting. Definitely glad I stopped for this cache .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball, and almost a mobius-ball made out of hockey-tape .
PS: Oohh, although a final quick note here. The geocache page indicates a TB is supposed to be inside of here, but I didn't see a thing for TB's (otherwise I would have moved it along). Could be I just didn't see it, but yeah... not sure if it's still there or not.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)