Cache is sort of hidden and you might have to look for it a little. No bush wacking required. I have some fishing lures and Sponge Bob Square pants pencils in there. There is no FTF cert. I will be hidding two caches on this trail in the coming weeks. |
9/8/2007 by Kabuthunk
Cache #3 of the day. During a camping outing at Big Whiteshell with the family, a decent group of us planned for some geocaching today. The cachers consisted of myself, BlackCat Firecracker, WestStevo, GirlWithNoName, PurpleMonkeyDishwasher, my brother Greg, my fiancee Laura, and my niece Cailyn. Parking the cars vaguely nearby, we started the hike. Very scenic, I must admit.
Forest caches are my favourite types of caches, and one that starts with a really scenic view didn't exactly detract from it . Luckly, since we tackled the cache in fall, there wasn't any need for rubber boots, mosquito spray, woodtick... well... nothing repels woodticks
... and yeah, it was just beautiful in general. A little chilly today, but the hike warmed us up so that we had an excellent time. I gotta say... caching in fall... MAN, this has got to be the best time of the year to do any kind of forest caches. Not swamp/bog caches though... I go to those for the SAKE of the sogginess and insanity
... but I digress. We've got some forest caching going on here, and a beautiful time of year to do it in, with all the geocachers of the family, and even some that aren't
Working our way towards the cache, it wasn't hard to find when we got there. The way it was hidden though, it looked quite natural. Good hiding job, I must admit . However... with 8 pairs of eyes looking for it, the back half of the pack didn't even finish walking up before the first half had already found it
. I can't remember offhand who signed for everyone at this cache (GirlWithNoName maybe? Not sure), but the cache got a chainmail ball for being forced out of it's hiding spot, and back from whence it came. We tried to hide it and all of its camoflage in the exact location and manner that it started in. It's still lookin' natural, so hopefully we succeeded
Thanks for the amazing view, excellent hike, and opportunity to cache with family on a beautiful fall weekend .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
The cache is located with in eye sight of the beaver swamp. Your very close when you see the third sign and carin who points the way to her friend jack.p at the water's edge. jack has the cache hidden at his feet, under some rocks.