cache is located in BHP off main highway. there is some bushwacking required,but not much will have to walk in deep snow to reach cache from walking trail (boots and ski pants are a must) in winter, may require rubber boots in spring/summer/fall This is my first cache hide so I hope you like it |
cache is large container camoed to it's background. is winter friendly. Cache contains pencil,logbook,ftf certificate,and some small trading items.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
5/19/2007 by Kabuthunk
Man, I'm surprised that it's been since March that someone went after this cache. Then again, if I'm not mistaken, I think I remember seeing that someone else signed the log, dated today (I just happen to be the first to log it online today).
The fact that it's May long weekend probably had something to do with it though
Beautiful day to go to Birds Hill park today. Had my fiancee with me (who stayed in the car and read a book for this one... probably for the best, actually... read on), and actually had my pet cat "Jack" with us too (of whom also stayed in the car... didn't want to take him anywhere too rough).
But with the cache... MAN was this one fun to get to
. If anything qualifies as my first bog-cache, this one does. The ground everywhere around the area has about 1 or 2 inches of water over it. Good thing I happened to be wearing sandals today. Let's just say that the sandals went underwater about a half-dozen times for this cache
. My fiancee, who normally wears sandals, happened to be wearing shoes today. Probably for the best she didn't try to go after this one
But yes... insane fun with this one. Definitely one of my favourites so far
Although, the cache container could use a little bit of help. The lid appears to have been chewed on by squirrels or something, and has multiple holes and cracks across it. Everything inside is dry as of this moment, but if it rains, there's a distinctly large chance that it'll get into the cache. And rain is scheduled for like... tomorrow. I crammed the cache into it's spot as far back as I could to shelter it a bit, but it's still likely going to feel a lot of moisture.
But... location was an awesome choice
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Nearby Caches
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Micro Island (1.12 kms N)
GCPA37 JP II (1.26 kms N)
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Henry Ford said "you can paint it any color you want as long as it's _____"