The cache is a small camoed tobacco container with a logbook, pencil, McD certificates for the FIRST CHILDREN who find this cache, and a couple of other tradeables! The rest of you can try for FTF honours but only the kid's can take and use the certificates. No actual FTF cert. since this was an impulse hide on our Roland-Carman tour. This school is Manitoba Municipal Heritage Site No. 17 and was designated such on Aug. 4, 1988. The caretaker gave permission for us to place this cache. He used to attend this school! It is not inside a building. Swap items, take pictures and CITO if you like! The new Canadian flag flew at this school for only one year when it was closed! A well-kept site. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/22/2007 by Kabuthunk
Second cache-tackle of the day! Was looking for some caches to hit while on a road-trip to Carman to visit relatives, and I've been wanting to go after this particular one for a while. The last few times I've passed it, we either didn't have time, were too tired, or someone in the car didn't want to bother stopping for a geocache.
Then again, with that last point... it would have helped if I had fully read the cache page beforehand. We were mildly worried that it was either on, or very close to private property.
Well... I guess technically it might still be (don't know if it's considered private property or not), but evidently permission has been obtained regardless .
Aaaaaanyhoo... to try to add some entertainment into a day that would otherwise be spent killed talking with boring old relatives (seriously... they're like... all boring, have absolutely no common interests, and are at least 30 or so years older than me), I decided to tackle the rare few geocaches on the #3 highway between our place and Carman. Having tackled one today already, I was ready to go after the second!
And this time, my fiancee didn't argue at all. She was about as enthused about spending her weekend with noone in our age group (or generation, even) as I was .
But I gotta say... thank god for the recent heat and lack of rain. Since I decided to take the "rough" way to the cache, it was thankfully dry. The cutgrass was pretty high though. Almost made me want to play in it, if I didn't know that I'd manage to get myself sliced to ribbons in the process .
Nice cache find though, and a historic site that I was completely unaware of . Wish I had more time to look around and check out the buildings a little bit more thoroughly, but unfortunately time wasn't on our side at the moment. Come to think of it... neither was the weather (according to, it "feels like +43 degrees celcius out"... but a little 40+ weather isn't going to stop me
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)