In November 1, 1818, Father Joseph-Norbert Provencher built on this site a small log chapel which he dedicated to Saint Boniface, the English missionary monk and apostle, who spread the Catholic faith among the Germanic tribes in the 8th century. Saint Boniface, the first permanent mission west of the Great Lakes, became the heart of Roman Catholic missionary activity extending to the Pacific and Arctic coasts, as well as serving the growing population of the Red River Settlement. Five cathedrals have stood on this beautiful location. In 1832, Bishop Provencher erected a cathedral surmounted by twin spires, and in 1862 a stone cathedral was built under the direction of Bishop Taché. On August 15, 1906, Archbishop Langevin blessed the cornerstone of what became one of the most imposing churches in Western Canada. It was designed by the Montreal architectural firm of Marchand and Haskell. This structure, the best example of French Romanesque architecture in Manitoba, was ravaged by fire on July 22, 1968. The present cathedral, blessed by Archbishop Baudoux in 1972, was designed by Franco-Manitoba architect Étienne Gaboury. It incorporates the sacristy, façade and walls of the former basilica. In the façade lie the tombs of the bishops of Saint-Boniface. Louis Riel, together with many of the West’s first Catholic settlers, key figures and missionaries, is buried here in Western Canada’s oldest Catholic cemetery. |
6/14/2007 by Kabuthunk
I've been wanting to find this cache for quite a while, but didn't quite have the opportunity to go after it in the past. Today however... a bicycle and a spare, nice, sunny day (which I later learned gave me a sunburn and mild heatstroke ) meant that I could travel to just about anywhere a bicycle could take me. Given I was spending said day taking pictures of fossils for the Manitoba Tyndall Stone earchcache, I had made it a point to go after any other caches nearby. And well... you don't get much closer to some of those earthcache locations that THIS cache
At first, I was looking high and low for little crevaces or magnetable spots in which a cache could hide. Unfortunately, there's a large number of locations which fit that bill. After about 10 minutes of searching around (generally looking like I'm sight-seeing, I decided to do something smart, and pull out my palm pilot to check the cache description. At which point... I quickly abandoned the idea of the cache being at a location where I'd need to stand on someone elses shoulders .
I also decided I might as well check the hint while I had it out, since there was still tons of places it could be hiding. At that point... it aaaaaall made sense . However, due to (I assume) the stone walls and whatnot, the GPS was bouncing all over the place... so I still had much searching to do. After a few failed attempts, I headed towards where I noticed the coords seemed to be circling around. At that point, my eyes doth spotted something which I've found at several other Skaven cache locations. I knew at this point, the cache was in hand.
Unfortunately, at that moment several people decided to wander into the main 'inside' building. I waited for them to pass, and went for the cache with noone around. SUCCESS! A quick signing and a micromail ball, and the cache was back in place before anyone came by to even THINK about suspecting me of something. Another successful caching. I've heard that this could be a tricky cache, and was glad to have been able to get it on my first attempt. Very nice hide though .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
EDIT: Err... put chainmail ball instead of micromail .
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Friday, June 15, 2007 at 2:05:39 PM.]
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