This trail is one of my all time favorite little hikes. The diversity of plant life is amazing. From dry and barren to wet and mysterious in a matter of minutes. Through the bog area, the trail is usually wet. Logs have been placed to help keep your feet dry but may still get muddy. Enjoy the walk, and tread softly. ~Remember to bring your Provincial Park pass!~ |
9/13/2009 by Kabuthunk
Man, you can't believe how much I've been wanting to do this cache now. For at least TWO YEARS, since my first time caching in Bird's Hill park, I've wanted to tackle this cache. Why, ask you? Ah, say I... because by that point, I had discovered that I loved the boggier, messy caches. The name of this cache implied exactly what I love, yet was too far out of reach for one reason or another. What didn't help matters was that not having read the cache description (or maybe it was different in the past, I can't remember), I had no clue which path I'd have to follow to get at it. IF it was near a trail.
Thus, today like other days, I attempted to get the cache in the way I figured would be best (and today, I figure turned out to be accurate). Access it by way of going in from the highway. At its nearest, the cache lies about 150 meters away from the highway leading away from Bird's Hill park. Since I had an unusual abundance of time today, I decided to investigate this a little closer. Most other times, I wasn't comfortable leaving my car on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere... especially that close to the park office which in previous years was still staffed. Other times, when the office seemed empty, there was a speed-trap vehicle, or a nearby accident, or some random variable that basically made for too much attention to the area for me to want to leave my car unattended and wander around in the forest.
I'm paranoid, sue me .
THIS year however... with free park access, and an empty office... the last time I cached at the park, I simply ran out of time. Not today . The first issue to deal with was where to park. In the past, I hadn't noticed the actual parking signs in a few spots on the side of the road down this stretch. Today I did. While swinging around to catch the first Westbound one, I noticed a closer one on the Eastbound side. Dumping my car there, I grudgingly took my bike out of the trunk again to avoid leaving it unattended in the car (again, paranoid). What was rather amusing yet scary was that when I returned, I discovered I had apparently left the car doors unlocked
. BUT... nothing happened, so it's all good
Biking across the street, I eventually found what looked to be an animal trail into the forest. Taking my bike in about 10 meters, I locked it to a small tree (paranoid), and marked it's position on the GPS. Now, for some trail-following! The forest was very dense for the first 20 meters, but then opened up widely. With a ton of coniferous trees, the space between the tree trunks was very easy to navigate. I almost wished I had gotten my bike in that deep, but I'm sure the soft ground (albeit not particularly boggy today ) and roots would have made it nigh-unbikable.
Strangely enough though, about 50 meters from the cache, I noticed someone through the trees. "What are the odds" I thought, "That in the middle of nowhere (I was still going on the thought that there was no major trail nearby), in the middle of a bog, on a Sunday evening when most people have gone home... I stumble across someone". However, it appeared he was a photographer following the trail with his tripod and camera. We said hi, and he went his way while I went mine. By that point, I was about 20 meters away, and about a minute later, I had the cache in hand ! AT LONG LAST, YOU'RE MINE BOGGY! One chainmail ball and The Roman Bug travelbug later, and I signed my name in the logbook. Pretty mosquitoey out, so I was moving quickly, and didn't notice the other TB in the cache to grab it. One quick trip back to my bike, and the cache was a complete success
Thanks for giving me a goal in Bird's Hill Park for me to attempt for several years! Not sure what I'll strive for now that I've finally got it .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, The Roman Bug TB, and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
Follow the Cedar Bog Trail to the top of the loop, where the cedar trees are. Cache location is off the trail about 50 paces (trees aren't so dense in the area). Container is tucked under a fallen log.