Oh the things you can find If you don't stay behind! In the places I go there are things that I see That I never could spell if I stopped with the Z. I'm telling you this 'cause you're one of my friends. My alphabet starts where your alphabet ends! So, on beyond Z! It's high time you were shown That you really don't know All there is to be known. Hanging micro cache to help with Pa Bottle Alpha Ghetti and to brush up on your Dr Sues. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
11/7/2010 by Kabuthunk
A bit late in logging this one too. As with my DNF prior to this cache... the reason is once again Fallout-related . However, at least THIS one I had found! Gotta say though... when I saw the name on my GPS, I was definitely perplexed as to what it meant. Having now read the description, it seems as though the name is a lot less cryptic than I had first imagined
And as an added bonus, I had taken some time today to go for a nice bike-ride, so I got in at least a BIT of the exercise I had completely abandoned for the game Fallout. So yes... having taken a rare break from the game for once (I've logged over 80 hours in the game. It's been out only since Oct. 19)... on a weekend no less... to take advantage of the unusually warm weather we were having for November. In a month I typically associate with slush and general unpleasant outdoors, it's been unusually warm this year, so I decided to take a bike ride for a while. Winding my way to and around the Forks, after some time I eventually found myself looking for geocaches on the way back home (there had been none between me and the Forks in general... I've in the past cleared all the caches from there ). Taking a bit of a different route, I discovered that there was a scant few hiding off to the side, near the Norwood Hotel.
Hmm... Norwood hotel... Norwood hotel... why does that sound familiar. Eh, couldn't have been that important .
In either case, after the quick bike-ride past memory lane, I soon found myself closing in on the coordinates. Thankfully, the parking lot seemed particularly quiet today. No weddings happening apparently, otherwise I'm sure this cache would have been significantly more difficult to access. Pulling my bike up, it only took me a few seconds to spot the cache. Accessing it however appeared to be a bit more tricky. However, after attempting from a different angle, I was able to easily get my hands around the cache.
And one thing came to mind upon opening said cache container. WOW but that's a giant ziplock bag in comparison to the logbook it contained. If I happened to have had a ziplock bag like... 1/20th the size, I'd have definitely swapped that out for you. I know ziplock bags exist ridiculously tiny... usually in conjunction with crafting... but unfortunately I don't have any. Oh well... if any future finders read this, maybe someone can bring one along.
In either case, one quick signing late, and the cache was back where it had previously been. Thanks for bringing me back out to memory lane over here. Alway an added bonus when geocaching .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)