Should be a quick find in the obvious spot. This spot was just screaming for a cache. Findable after some snow, but not after big dumps of snow |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/26/2010 by Kabuthunk
It looks like this was to be my last find of the day. And honestly, what better cache to end a day with than something as interesting as this one. Can honestly say that I didn't expect to find the... camouflage as it were... that the cache was hiding amongst. This looks like something Mario would have done after he beat one of the Koopa Kids. Damn you Mario... wasn't attacking Bowser's children enough? You had to destroy their homes too?
Anyway, having just finished getting a nearby cache, I made the several minute drive from there over to this cache (it having taken several minutes purely due to having been stopped at a red light ). Turning onto this street, I recognized much of it since I had become familiar with this road in the past. Well, and I've also bought fruit from the BC Fruit stand that's occasionally parked at the start of this road
. Said fruit seller wasn't here today, but that's not all that surprising since the wind was above 60km's an hour today (apparently falling into the category of a gale).
So being blasted with wind as I exited the car, I quickly remembered to remove the sunglasses clip from my glasses to avoid losing them (which almost happened at an earlier cache). Working my way towards the trees, I eventually stumbled across what appears to be a geotrail, which led me the rest of the way to the cache. At first I was mildly worried that I'd have to cross the deep water there, but thankfully it doubled back to ground zero itself.
At which point... this thing is pretty awesome. I imagine it must have looked quite impressive when it was in a completed state, and it completely baffles the mind why it would have eventually ended up over here. Some of the logs in the logbook are written along a similar vein, although one log page stands out as particularly... abrupt. You'll know it if you see it . Needless to say, once I had reached ground zero, it was basically guaranteed that the correct area was found. It took maybe 5 seconds before I found the cache container itself. I gave a quick look through the container before signing the logbook (didn't see the geocoin in there, but I could have easily missed it), but spent even more time looking over the sheer amount of work that must have gone into this castle. I mean seriously, there must have been dozens of hours put into this thing. And I'm guessing that a portion of it is probably outright missing, because given the scale of some of the other parts, it seems like there should have been a lot more... debris there to account for the entire thing. Unless it was a front for some display... which in retrospect is probably more likely.
In either case... I'm definitely agreeing with 1purplemonkeydishwasher1's assessment that this spot was screaming for a cache to be placed here. Glad to see that the mystery castle will now never be forgotten by many a geocacher. Tis a shame that the castle owner had to unceremoniously leave it in such a state.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)