A nano cache. Contains only a log sheet so bring your own pencil. |
This cache was established after (W)hole new cache became untenable because of issues with the retaining wall in which it was hidden. Stop by and enjoy the nearby herb garden.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
7/5/2010 by Kabuthunk
Man, today was a good day for me, for a whole multitude of reasons. For starters, I just got finished with my turn at being on-call at work (a week of pure misery), my cellphone which I had thought died on my mysteriously resurrected itself and started acting better than when I first got it (I'm not asking questions, I'm just rolling with it), and because I was stuck working Canada day (an unfortunate added effect of being on-call), I was given today off instead! It would have been a thousand times better to be given any other day off since I was stuck being on-call for the weekend ANYWAY, but at least it makes for a short week. And then there was a conglomeration of other added bonuses that came about in the extremely recent past, but those were the three main ones.
And what better way to celebrate having a bonus day off (that DOESN'T involve being "sick" from work
) than by geocaching? Thus, after having taken care of a few other things this morning, I headed out for some caching. Albeit I started out a little bit late and arrived at Assinaboine Park at around 3:00pm, that still left me with some time to geocache. Or so I thought anyway... but more on that in other cache logs. For this particular log... I was happy as a clam, enjoying the warm weather, and wandering around the park on a 'bonus' day off. Given this cache was the closest to me when I got into the park, I headed for it first. Parking in the main lot for the Conservatory (pretty sure that's what that building is), I walked on over, almost with a bounce in my step. It didn't take long at all before I had worked my way over towards the coordinates. And since it was a Monday afternoon before most places have let out of work, it was extremely quiet. The only thing that broke the silence really was the occasional slap of a jogger's feet on the path, or possibly the odd car going into the park.
Starting my search, I began by looking in the immediate area of the coordinates, but finding nothing with a very quick skim of the area. Apparently, I'd need to put a bit more effort into this one. I proceeded to give a thorough look over that wooden structure thing that acts as an entrance of sorts to the herb garden (not entirely sure what herbs might be in there... looked like regular run-of-the-mill plants for the most part... but an herbalist I'm not). I gave it quite a thorough lookover without actually trying to touch or move anything, but alas... nothing. With the coast still clear, I decided to park myself on the bench and pull out my palm pilot. Apparently, I'd need to actually read the description and possibly hint for this one. Since the description didn't help much (I kinda assumed it wasn't in the wall, that being like... 30 meters away or whatever
), the hint was next... and man, that pretty much pointed me directly in the right direction
After having read the hint, it took me maybe 30 seconds or so to locate the cache. Quite a good hiding spot... I'm kinda surprised I didn't stumble across it in my initial skimming, but again... that was just a skimming. In either case, with the cache in hand I parked myself back on the bench and set about signing it. After a quick jotting of my name and date, I tossed in a nanomail ball and closed up the cache container. Back into its hiding spot it went, and I was off to the next objective.
Thanks for getting another cache happening in the area. I'll have to make a mental note to check out this herb garden a bit later in the year to see what else has grown... I've never really noticed this little area before. Or at least I've never gone by here when it's been actually growing... just in early spring or winter or whenever.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball
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