A small container with a few small trade items and a logsheet located in Fletcher Arms Park. Lots of little muggles use this area. If you are shorter than 5'5" you will need to have long arms or ask Fletcher to borrow his |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
Current at 11/6/2011
8/16/2010 by Kabuthunk
Wow, that was almost unforgivable of me. I found the cache way back on Friday, but didn't actually get around to logging it until today (4 days later). At least on most days I had a valid excuse, but after the first few days I actually forgot that I had found caches until I was about to update my GPS today
. But in either case... back to the cache. The only reason I was able to find a few geocaches today was pretty much indirectly due to my wife. She actually needed the car for today for work, so I had to bike my way in (only bus access involved 2 transfers... pfft, not happening). So 10km worth of biking and one full day of work later, I emerge from work on my bike, set to meet up with my wife at St. Vital park.
However, working just off McGillivray, I had several geocaches between myself and St. Vital Park. Figuring I had a few minutes to spare, I decided to swing by a few that seemed the closest to Pembina itself. This cache happened to be the first one on my list. After a crossing the street and eventually figuring out where I was going, I soon found myself... at the end of one of those annoying roads that end in a circle of houses. Blast... a dead end! I had vaguely hoped that there would be a walking path between a few of the houses to take me to the obviously hidden park, but alas... no such luck.
Circling around a little bit, I eventually found my way to the REAL entrance to the park. Despite the fact that it was about 6:30pm and quite a nice day out, the area was completely devoid of children or anyone in general. Excellent, I thought to myself... not often do I get lucky enough that perfect park weather would yield a completely empty park for me to search in. Riding my bike over towards ground zero, I began to get a bit worried that it actually wouldn't be in THIS park, but something on the other side of the fence. My worries ended up being unfounded however, and I soon found that the GPS zeroed out while I was still inside this park. Whew... no more circling around.
Setting to work on the hunt, I put my bike down and began looking around. It looks like this area of the park is under some... upkeep of some sort. It looks like whoever upkeeps the area has been mangling through some pretty thick brush to clear the area out and leave it a lot neater looking. Got a fair bit of work to go yet... lots of stumps from small to medium bushes and trees here. As I was almost tripping over them however, my eyes caught a glimpse of what could only be a cache container. Regaining my balance, I was quickly able to reach the cache container and claim victory (yay for having fairly long arms... even if it makes buying long-sleeved shirts annoying
). A quick poking through the cache container, and I quickly signed it and replaced it as found. Thankfully, the park stayed completely empty the entire time I was inside of it.
Back onto the bike with me, and geocaching has once again proven what it's good at... introducing people to parks that they never knew existed before
. And this is despite the fact that I lived on Pembina for years, and had found OTHER caches not that far from here! Man, these parks seem to hide everywhere just about!
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)