We were on our
way to the "Welcome to St. Vital"cache as we passed this location.
It reminded us of YESTERYEAR and we decided we needed to place a
cache here. We rummaged through our caching supplies and
immediately placed the cache. ![]() |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/24/2009 by Kabuthunk
I decided to request the assistance of a previous finder of the cache in hopes of getting the nudge in the right direction that I needed. I indeed got a nudge... and as you will soon find out, that nudge filled me with an almost dread... a dread that an inner-stupidity kept me from reaching the cache last time.
I got very little hint at all. Just the general direction to look from a specific point away from the cache. It's really the only direction I would have assumed it could have been in at that point. But nonetheless, the hint confirmed that thought, so I figured I would take another swing at the cache today. I had gotten home at about 7:20pm, so I didn't have all that much time to search.
But as I mentioned... the hint had given me that dread of prior stupidity on my last attempt. I was almost 100% confident of exactly where the cache was located. Why was I so confident of it's location this time around? I'll tell you why.
Because I was looking right at it last time.
And not only looking right at it, but had it IN MY HAND, and was pondering whether or not it was the cache. In fact, I was physically LOOKING AT the logbook plastic baggie, and thought to myself, "Naaaah... can't be it". Oh, how wrong I was.
Any time in the past a cache has been near how this one is hidden, I always have searched exactly in this spot. Sooner or later, I thought, a cache will be hidden here. It's just too impossible for it NOT to be hidden there at one point or another in the future. Turns out the one time it is... I don't even realize it as such. I guess I was looking for something else, and had my mind wrapped around that I should be seeing something different, I dunno.
Actually, thinking back to it... I POKED the logbook. I physically took my bare finger and poked the logbook the first time I was there! Yet somehow, I STILL thought that I must have been wrong. WHY I thought I was wrong, I'll never know. As I said, I must have had my mind firmly wrapped around the idea of seeing something else. Or maybe it was that combined with being nervous about the store being open still. I dunno. In either case, that was definitely the closest I've been to a cache, and still somehow not found it .
So this time around, I didn't even turn my GPS on. As I had such a strong feeling coming back that the place I had poked and looked was the cache, that I felt there was no need. Sure enough, 2 seconds after getting there, I reached in and pulled out the logbook which I had previous poked yesterday .
Giving it a quick signing, I almost put it back without having put in a chainmail ball of some sort! That was quickly remedied with a micromail ball, and back the cache container went from whence it came. Perhaps others won't be quite as dense as I was on this one .
Thanks much for the cache, for if it hadn't been here, I wouldn't have obtained my straight-razor yesterday . I've gotta remember to come back here more often though... they have a ton of old-school keys there that are just cool in general
. Also maybe to look around a bit closer... it's quite packed in there indeed.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
EDIT: In retrospect, had I noticed on the cache page in large, capital letters that it's not on private property, that probably would have saved me a LOT of time. I'm now officially stupid x 2 on this cache .
5/23/2009 by Kabuthunk
Unfortunately this one eluded me today. However, it was the middle of the day on Saturday, and I wasn't feeling brave enough to poke around there TOO much. Originally, having finished most of my bike ride (and according to my wife later, smelling like it ), I decided to stop at this geocache and give it a go. I've driven or biked by this place hundreds of times, but have never actually stopped to look at it.
Stopping now, I did my usual 'not look suspicious' thing of stop the bike and drink some water (of which I had very little left by this point ). Poking the bench a little bit, I discovered that the boards were very... umm... over-flexible. I decided against sitting down on that old-school bench, as I figured it might not hold my weight. Yeah, the last thing I need to do is destroy some of this antique-shops main advertising... stuff... outside their store.
So, I did a slow circle around the items at the coordinates, poking various things, prodding other things, and running my hands around crevices that might possibly hold a micro geocache. In the meantime, a set of customers left the store holding some kind of antique clock, or something wooden, anyway. This put me even more on edge from wanting to wander around outside the store. I did a quick check of my palm pilot to see if there were any hints, either in the hint field or in the last few logs... no such luck.
I decided to go inside and check the place out to make it seem like there was an actual reason for me to be meandering outside (no clue if they were watching me from the windows). Going inside, I discovered that odds are NOONE could see you through the windows . Man, but that place is PACKED. I gave a wander around (probably to the dismay of the owners, since as I said before, I probably smelled quite a bit of long-bike-ride
). However, I DID see something I've been looking for for a long time, and walked out of the store with the purchase of an old-school folding straight-razor to add to my knife collection at home
. When I was inside, I pondered asking them if they had heard of geocaching, in hopes of getting a hint. However, when I had checked the cache description in my palm pilot, I didn't see if it mentioned that the store owners were in on it (of which I think they probably are, since as I was initially biking up to it, someone came out of the store... the female owner I assume... poked around the corner gas thing, and then returned inside). However, in case I was wrong, I didn't want to ask them, since I find it awkward and unusual asking strangers about... well... anything. I'm paranoid and shy like that.
So... having my new (or very old, perhaps) purchase, I headed back to my bike which I had locked to the bench. Taking my time unlocking it, I gave another search of the area but still came up with nothing. Another circle around, and with nothing catching my eye I decided to call it quits and head home .
I shall return, of that you can be sure. I may query the owner for a hint eventually, but we'll see what happens. It looks like others have seen it where they had already looked, so I might have to go back another time, but perhaps on a Sunday (unfortunately this Sunday of mine is taken up), or when the store is closed.
I'll be back!
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)