Date: May 9, 2009 Time: 9:00 a.m. - noon Location: Meet in parking lot at the coordinates listed The City Parks Department will provide trash bags and some garbage pickers. Please bring work gloves if you have them. At noon we will gather in St. Vital Park for a picnic lunch. Further details will be provided soon. Please check back for updates. Update: Be sure to log a "Will Attend" note if you are able to join us. Hope to see you there. |
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5/9/2009 by Kabuthunk
WOW but mother nature hated us today . I woke up this morning to see it snowing... and not just tiny flakes once in a blue moon... we're talking big, fluffy flakes... and lots of them.
Shuddering at the sight of white misery, I put on some scrappier clothes, pulled out ye olde' winter coat, toque, and gloves (which I had hoped would remain in their 'winter spot' for another 5 or so months), and hopped into the car. Managing to have arrived about 20 minutes early, I made a quick stop for a geocache in St. Vital Park, and met up with Wagonmaker by blind chance. After that, he set off for the CITO event while I re-packed the few items back into my geocaching bag that I had removed for this cache.
Driving a few parking lots down, I pulled into a spot and wandered over to the meeting place. Hmm... rather peculiar that noone was here yet. Typically, there's at least a few early people. After about 5 minutes of waiting around and seeing noone (not even Wagonmaker who left shortly before me from that last geocache), I checked my palm pilot for the cache description.
We meet at 9:00am at the CITO location... not at this location first. D'oh . Quickly starting the car and driving off, I arrived at the CITO parking lot just in time for a group picture. Hopping out of the car, I quickly jogged over for the group picture. That out of the way, we grabbed garbage bags and headed onwards. I started out by cleaning a stretch around that duck pond, and quickly found my way to the location that occupied the rest of my time at the event... the ditch. MAN, but was there a lot of garbage in that ditch alongside Bishop Grandin. For individual types of items, I think disposable cups (which seemed to be split up between Tim Hortons, Robins, and Wendys... or whatever tends to have a yellow cup) seemed to top the list. Otherwise, a lot of paper, strangely a lot of cardboard boxes (which were of course soaked with water, so it weighed a ton and a half), and miscellaneous other things. Unlike my last CITO event (which was significantly warmer, by the way), I didn't find anything particularly unusual or interesting on this one. Another geocacher came across a large concrete... thing... in a kinda bell shape that had a rubber gasket at the bottom... that's about it. Otherwise, just run-of-the-mill trash. Which I suppose is good, in a way... it indicates that most of that probably blew in with the wind (except maybe the few broken bottles I found... and that concrete thing), instead of being deliberately dumped there. Course, it's a lot busier down this stretch of road, so one wouldn't have time to dump anything anyway.
But anyway, about 11:00ish, Dani picked me up for a 5-minute rest while she made her rounds with water and more bags, and then I worked until the approximately 11:30 quitting time. Off we went to a cold, damp BBQ... but MAN did those hotdogs feel awesome going down when you're chilled to the bone . Although the potato salad turned too cold for my likings
. Several hotdogs later, I went off for another quick geocache with Wagonmaker, and then called it a day.
All in all, I think we were very productive. Dani gave us a semi-quote of 37-someodd bags of garbage filled, and almost a 1-km stretch that was clean as a whistle . Not too shabby for a group of people and a few hours of work
. Glad I was able to make this CITO event, and hopefully I can make the next.
Took: A whole ton of garbage from the ditch
Left: A lot of sinky footprints in said ditch, a Scuba dive flag TB, and a chainmail ball
5/8/2009 by Kabuthunk
Planning to be there unless something drastic comes up... but I somehow doubt it. Yes, sorry... I realize I'm posting the 'will attend' at about 1:30 in the morning on the day-of. Didn't realize it was this weekend until just about now .
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