CACHE IS NOT AT POSTED COORDINATES The smaller towers are no less powerful, they are located however, close to more potent talismans that prevent them from being shown. You must find the Tower of Orthanc, the power behind the Evil Eye towers. You do this by: 1)Separate all the waypoints into 6 columns 3 for N and 3 for W EX 49.87.852 is 49 | 87 | 852 2)Add the columns up. 3)For the first column of N and W take the average. 4)For the 2nd column multiply N by .114586 and W by .1875 5)For the 3rd column multiply N by .238107 and W by .226317 6) Reassemble these numbers into coordinates. Nano, of course, located close to the Tower which goes by the number 1313. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
12/14/2008 by Kabuthunk
AHA! At long last, this cache has fallen to my own all-seeing eyes (ignoring of course my various DNF's ). I had solved the puzzle for this cache quite some time ago... probably somewhere in mid-October. Shortly after it was created, anyway. At one point shortly after solving it (prior to snow), I had driven by the area in general, but thought to myself "nah... couldn't be anywhere in there", and drove off thinking that I had incorrectly solved it and had bad coordinates. However, after confirming with BBrown94 that I indeed had the correct coordinates, I changed the icon on my GPS for this waypoint to my own custom "important - don't delete" type of icon. And there it stayed... for months. Always there, making me have to skip over it carefully when deleting all of the other waypoints so I can update them with the newest Pocket Query. Coincidentally, it's also circular and kinda eye-looking... so it just kept staring at me... taunting me. Almost as if it were begging me to go after it.
My precioussss...
*ahem* But... I never happened to be in the area with the combination of spare time and my GPS. Always one or the other, but never both . I was kinda debating whether to go after it today, since by the time I got near, it was dark, and very cold out (it seems to have warmed up to -41 with the windchill... was -45 earlier in the day). However, I figured if there's any time where it would be quiet enough to go after it, it'd be on a Sunday night when it feels like minus a thousand outside. Hence... off I went! I had to plow my car through a few larger drifts, but didn't come close to getting stuck in any of them, thank god. That's all I need to end the day with... needing to get my car towed out of a drift
. But no, I made it up to the coordinates, and was able to park less than 5 meters from ground zero. It only took me a few seconds to locate the cache, which I took into the car to sign and nanomail-ball. Finally, I headed home, extremely pleased to have destroyed the waypoint eye that kept staring at me
Which got me thinking... MAN, if Gandalf had just thought of announcing that there was a geocache hiding in Mount Doom, and a condition to log it was to dump the One Ring into there... he probably would have gotten that whole mess taken care of in less than 24 hours, the way geocachers are! He woulda been all like "Woah... that was unexpected. I should have done that LONG before screwing around with hobbits."
Gandalf would be all like "Yo... Frodo and Sammy... piss off. And take those other useless idiots with you... Merry and Pippen. My god, how fast you guys move, it woulda taken YEARS for you to get there"
"And you Aragorn... Strider... whatever the hell you call yourself. Go bugger off back to hunting or kinging or whatever you do these days. Just make up your mind already, and do one or the other."
"And Boromir... yeah, I checked the future. You're an ass, and you die. So go do that, since you're not needed here any more. But don't go being stupid and dying here so we have to deal with the body. Go save everyone the effort, dig a hole off in the middle of nowhere, and kill yourself into it or something. At least then you save yourself from being a dick."
"And Gimli! My god man, you're as slow as molasses, and twice as stubborn. Beat it, or I'll punt you into the next country. I'm a wizard, I can do crap like that."
"And finally, Legolas. You can march your ass back to Mirkwood and tell everyone there that you were useless. All I needed was a GPS and the coordinates for Mount Doom. That's right, I invented a GPS to make you obsolete. I'm a wizard, I can do that n' stuff."
"The fellowship is over. You all suck."
It totally would have gone like that. Only he would have been swearing. Lots. And maybe thrown a rock at Frodo for the hell of it .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)