I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for my wife one day and thought I should place a cache here. No deeper meaning or purpose. Should be a quick park and grab, just park to block the view from the building. Kids might see it before the adults. Please keep it at a kid friendly height. It is not quite wheelchair friendly. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
10/4/2008 by Kabuthunk
Keepin' the streak alive! My 14 days in a row of finding a cache so far remains unbroken thanks to locating this . Thankfully, I was easily able to talk my wife into driving out to this one, since we wanted to pick up some things in the nearby strip-malls.
Hence, heading over after a bit of shopping, we swung into here and parked near the coordinates. Thankfully, the parking lot was nearly empty, and there wasn't a bystander to be seen. Strangely, when I'm with her, I seem to get a fair amount of luck in regards to parking-lot related caches. Always a good thing . We've been in the general vicinity a few times now actually... we were checking out the gym to see if we wanted a membership here a while ago (ended up going with Shapes though), and had also parked around here in order to get a somewhat-nearby Expired cache.
Anyway, this cache being a lot closer than 'Expired', I may have been a bit hasty and first looked through a location about 15 meters East of the cache. Finding nothing at location one, I checked the GPS and realized I was way off. A little bit of walking, and I spotted the cache just about right away . It looks like the last person here kinda attached it a little bit more firmly than expected, and it put up a bit of a fight to retrieve. After it finally gave up and I could work with it, I sat down and signed the logbook. That's the one good thing about fairly new caches... no worries about there being no room in the logbook
. Although, not quite as interesting as a cache that's been around since like... dinosaurs ruled the earth and the million stories and names inside. Or I guess as good as a completely empty logbook of a FTF... but still good.
At least during this entire time, not a single car entered or left the parking lot, nor was a single pedestrian seen. Truly one of my luckier forays in a potentially high-bystander geocache. In fact, that ertyu noted in his log (likely found after me by the sound of it, but he got to a computer first ), the parking lot remained somewhat empty. But then... that's almost to be expected. It's a Saturday... and a beautiful one at that. Warm, sunny... quite possibly one of the last weekends where we can wander around outside without a jacket or long sleeves
. And tomorrow is supposed to be really nice too! So soak it up while you can, geocachers... I don't think there'll be too many more of these this year!
Where was I? Right, logging. I lobbed in a micromail ball, and replaced the cache container in a slightly less fight-to-obtain way. It's in the same location, just... doesn't fight as much. Given the method by which it's hidden, it seems obvious (to me) that it's meant to be in the way I replaced it anyway .
Thanks for the cache though. Not only does it keep my streak alive, but it got me to spend a little bit more time outdoors on a really nice fall day .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)