Please do not swap the container inside the camoe'd container. All items in it are 'all Canadian'. Enjoy! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/2/2009 by Kabuthunk
Only a few caches stood between me and the 500 milestone. Albeit not as great a milestone (in my mind) as the recently obtained 496, but that's besides the point. I had decided that the various caches on the far West side of Assinaboine Park would be my primary target today. I've cleared virtually all the other caches in the park, and it's just these guys way out on the outside that I kept meaning to get, but were always just a liiiiittle too far away for the energy that I had at the time. Today however, things would be different!
It actually took me a fair bit of time to find parking. I know, I know... Assinaboine Park has like... infinite parking just about. However, since I decided to enter from the Westmost entrance, all of the parking was on the OTHER side of the road. I didn't want to make a 3-point turn in order to turn around and park, so I kept driving past these caches in hopes of finding a parking lot that I could swing into and out of in order to turn around. No such luck... the one little parking lot had various pedestrian and vehicle traffic moving around in there, so I really didn't want to deal with that hassle either. I ended up looping around back onto Corydon, back into the Westmost entrance, and just said 'screw it' and did my 3-point turn to turn around. Of course, there was traffic coming JUST as I was about halfway through the turn, so I quickly completed it, cursing my ever so horrible luck .
However... with the annoyance of parking out of the way, I started my trek. I was a bit worried going into caching around here today, since apparently woodtick season is just starting. However, once I got the smell of nature into my nostrils and the fresh air into my lungs, I completely forgot about all of that and headed on towards the caches. This was the first one on my list of Far-West-Park caches. There was very little terrain problems, aside from a little stream that seemed to be trying to stay going (which I assume will likely dry up and become a nice trip-people-who-aren't-paying-attention rut), and spotted where the cache would most likely be hidden. I don't know if it's... *checks when cache was placed*... half a year of geocaching (seeing that now, I highly doubt it) of geotrails, or just a natural opening (that would be what I'm going with right now), but the opening right near the cache container made for a nice hiding spot for myself. It kept me nicely out of view of the passing cars, bikers, and pedestrians, while I poked around inside the cache. One logbook signing later, and the cache was replaced. Although, the inside-inside cache was a bit damp on the inside. I did what I could, but it's still somewhat damp in there. Whoever happens to come across this cache with kleenex or something may want to consider giving things a bit of a wipe-down.
On a more specifically-this-cache related note... the only thing I had that was "canadian" was my chainmail ball... made by myself IN Canada. Don't know if that counts, but the only other option would be a few pennies or something from my pocket... but I'm pretty sure that's about as bad as it can get for putting things in a cache . Ah well... thanks for the cache, fresh air, and a nice walk
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)