The cache is camoed to the environment. Contains a log and stick. This is a high traffic area so stealth is required. It's big enough for a couple of small items. This cache is for all my Brothers from other mothers. Good Luck! Please log any DNF. We want to test this cache for future uses. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/30/2008 by Kabuthunk
I was caching in the vague vicinity (read: anywhere between my work near the Pembina & Chevrier intersection and here) and decided to have a go at this one. I've driven by it multiple times, but was either GPS-less or didn't have the time/opportunity to find a parking spot or something. Y'know how it is... something always comes up at the worst times.
That said, today I indeed had the time and GPS with which to go after this cache. Not being sure of parking, I swung onto Jesse street and found a driveway to pull into. A quick turn-around, and I parked on the side of the road. I didn't even know you COULD park there... especially pointed Westward... but someone else was parked there first, so I was just following along. It was then that I discovered that the cache is on the OTHER side of Osborne. I contemplated finding a time to just dart across the road, but it seemed that whenever one side of the traffic stopped, the other side would immediately pick up. Not wanting to stand on the yellow line in the center and wait to go... what with me not wanting to die and such... I opted to walk to the lights and go across in that manner.
A quick walk further and I discovered that there was a convenient gravel parking lot right next to the coordinates! Dang... if I had known that, I would have just worked my way there and parked in that area. In retrospect though, that would have made trying to go South on Osborne a nightmare when pulling out of said parking lot... so probably best I parked where I did.
A few more seconds of walking, and I found myself at the coordinates. I'm sure a lot of people hate it, but for some reason I really enjoy the smell of milkweeds... of which there was many around. At first I thought this might be a difficult hunt given the various winding 'geotrails', but it turns out I was incorrect. After about 15 seconds, I had the cache in hand. It helps that I've found a very similar, if not almost identical style of container once before. I've also been highly suspecting I'd run across another one sometime soon. Nearly every cache I visit, I'll be searching similar-type hiding spots, if you know what I mean. You will, if you've found this cache before .
But yeah, crouched down and signed up some logbook. The milkweeds and tall grass kept me well hidden from the road, not that I think anyone would have paid attention to me anyway... what with trying not to run into eachother and such. A quick chainmail ball later, and off I went. I replaced the cache container exactly as I had found it, so hopefully it'll fool another geocacher or two . Given the many winding places the geotrails were leading, I'm guessing it's fooled a good few in the past
Although, you may want to replace the ziplock bag... it looks to have a dozen holes punched in it. I've always contemplated what the best way would be to keep a pencil from stabbing through plastic bags... but the only options are keep the pencil outside to potentially get damp/moldy, or have holes in your bag.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
On a random note... my brother-in-law (who's also my god-father when I was baptised) is also a freemason. No clue what district/lodge/whatever number he is though... I think he goes to one closer to the West side of Winnipeg.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)