Quick find with a prize for the First To Find.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
9/20/2009 by Kabuthunk
Third cache of the day for me, and officially the furthest North cache I've ever found. And that even includes a Conquista Del Mundo cache with zeroed-out coordinates that erroneously puts it in Riverton. Today my wife and I had a plan to have a day-long road trip, taking us from Winnipeg, past the series of towns in sequence that I've come to know over the years (Stony Mountain, Gunton, Inwood, Narcisse, Chatfield, Poplarfield, Fisher Branch, Hodgson, Peguis, Dallas, and finally Red Rose), and visit the farm where I spent many a week during summers as a kid, and visit my Grandma's grave up there. About a 3 hour drive one-way, give or take. Having run a cache-along-a-route pocket query from Stony Mountain to Red Rose, I was a bit dismayed to find only 18 caches between the two... and most of those being around Stony Mountain. Thus, this cache was the furthest North one I had available to me.
After the lengthy drive, broken up a bit by a geocache earlier, and a trip to the Narcisse Snake Pits, I decided to avoid leaving ALL other geocaches for the trip back and swung by this one while we were still on the Northbound. If memory serves me correctly, my Grandma lived in Fisher Branch for her last few years to be near a hospital if anything came up. After all, this is still somewhere in the ballpark of an hour from the farm. So, into the down I drove, looking for the elusive most-northern-cache-I-had-coordinates-to. A few turns here and there, and I eventually found myself outside of a museum. It appeared to be closed today (or at least didn't specifically look open... the padlocks on the caboose strengthened this theory... assuming it's ever open to begin with), so I figured this would be a fairly fast cache to locate. Yeah, no such luck
Having read the cache description and hint before having left home, I knew where not to look. However, after about 5 minutes of fruitless searching, I took a look anyway, finding exactly what I figured I'd find. Nothing
. Spreading my search out a little bit more, I decided to take a shot at a potential hiding method that I had seen in the past. After all, by this point, there can't be many other places to hide it... it's not like there's a ton of viable spots here
. A quick look, and bingo! Cache found
. This one definitely put up the biggest fight for me today. Although, I'm pretty sure the coordinates are off, since they kept on leading me to those two steel wheels leaning against the back (front? I'm not sure which way it's supposed to point) of the caboose. I figure the cache about 5 meters SouthEast of the coordinates. Now, that's not exactly far to begin with, but I was a bit leery of checking where the cache was eventually located.
In retrospect however, I shouldn't have been worried. After all, the cache was placed by the Fisher Branch Chamber of Commerce, so call it a hunch, but they probably had permission to place the cache on the Museum's property
After opening the logbook, I was somewhat surprised to see that it's been sitting unfound for several months! For pretty much every other cache I found today, it was found 6 days prior by Clan Lonewolf... so it was a bit of a surprise that his name didn't appear in THIS one. Must not have come this far North, apparently.
In either case, thanks greatly for placing the cache out here, and finally dethroning that erroneously-coordinated Conquista cache as being the most North cache to be found
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Hints (Back)
Not under the caboose.