The winter friendly smaller regular cache (about 1 litre) is located in Bird's Hill Provincial Park. Provincial parks protect unique natural, cultural and historical sites; visitors should be respectful and remain on existing paths/trails. A Park Vehicle Permit is required to access this park. Don't forget your park pass. The container contains the usual trinkets as well as a log book, two pencils and a FTF certificate. For those cachers who have found the original Cedar Grove (Mystery) Cache, let us know how long the search took the second time around. This is our 31st cache. We hope you enjoy the hunt.
For paperless geocachers, here are the Attributes: easy hike, poison plants!, takes less than 1 hour, kid friendly, available in winter, access/parking fees |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/14/2009 by Kabuthunk
Second cache of the day, of a long day of geocaches. 15 finds, if I'm not mistaken (and only one DNF ). After having found the 'Griffith's Hill Tower' cache slightly to the Northwest, I figured I'd make this the second one. My general theory was to do a vague circuit around the main path of Bird's Hill (a theory of which ended up being modified quite a bit to include a lot more area by the end... a 26.8km circuit, according to my GPS tracklog).
However, on with the cache in question. At first I was a bit perplexed as to how to actually reach the cache area in general. Between the road and the coordinates, there seemed to be a decent amount of shrubbery in the way. A bit further down the road, I ended up locating a trail of sorts which I could follow into the area as a whole.
And once I got in there... man, was that weirdly spacious. The cache description indicates "no bushwhacking", a statement which I find rather perplexing. The area as a whole is almost open enough to throw a party under the branches of the trees . Not having read the cache description before attempting the cache however, I was a bit puzzled as to why the cache was called "Cedar Grove", since unless I was horribly, horribly mistaken, those definitely weren't cedars I was standing amongst
. After having read the description at home however, it all makes sense now. And I got a modified Star Trek quote to boot
So, standing inside of this not-quite-so-cedar grove, I began the task of attempting to locate the cache container. That in itself was also quite puzzling, since because the area was so open, I couldn't even fathom where a cache could be hiding! I began by putting down my bike and walking the area as a whole for a few minutes. Nothing kinda 'sprung out' at me was I was wandering, so it looks like it's back to square one. A couple of secondary searches around some trees I didn't circle or fallen branches I didn't look behind also yielded nothing, even having spread my search area to about 20 meters on all sides of ground zero.
However, during the walk back to the bike to think about it some more, the cache indeed caught my eye. I had actually spent a healthy amount of time searching in the exact manner needed to find the cache, but must not have been standing at the appropriate location in order to spot it. It was definitely amusing how it was hidden, to say the least . Retrieving it was a little bit difficult, as the cache wasn't too fond of moving from it's hiding spot. A little bit of jiggling however, and the cache was in-hand
. Poking around inside, I didn't spot any travelbugs (despite that "Get It?" travelbug being listed here for almost a year it seems). However, lobbing one of my chainmail balls inside, I signed up the logbook and replaced the cache as I had found it. Hopefully it'll be as fun for the next person to find as it was for me
So... a mission well accomplished, I debated how to proceed onwards. The large, open field that seemed to be between myself and the water looked pretty inviting, but after about 30 meters of going over extremely annoying-to-bike-over terrain in said field, I decided it'd just be best to head back the exact way I got there and take the road .
Thanks for the cache! Last time I was here, I'd found virtually all of the caches at Bird's Hill. I'm definitely glad to see that the numbers have climbed back up again .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)