This cache is placed so I can watch it from my living room window, but there is only so much I can do. Be very careful when visiting this cache. I highly suggest going as a small team(2 or 3 people) to visit this cache. The cache is a camoed waterproof match container and is in plain site. If you have any questions e-mail me before attempting this cache. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/6/2007 by Kabuthunk
Probably good that I was with a group of fellow geocachers for this one. For several reasons, actually. One... I imagine going after that one alone would have caused at least a problem and a half (and one of the other cachers had a truck which contained a ladder for just such occasions)... and two, there's safety in numbers.
It's more the latter that I'm glad for. The former, I might have been able to use my bike (if I biked to the cache, of course) to help. But the nightlife there (well... just-after-10-in-the-evening-life, anyway ) would have made me more than a touch nervous had I been alone. There were several kids playing around nearby (and looking at us quite curiously when we pulled out the ladder), but those didn't bother me at all. What DID weird me out was the gathering of less-than-savoury people in the street as we headed towards the cache... shortly followed by underage drinking (one of the girls offered us a shot of Smirnoff vodka... but the group decided to pass on the generous offer
), and a black car playing loud rap with heavy bass driving SLOWLY down the street (and I'm talking like... 5km's an hour). Oh, and said car was being tailed by a not-that-small group of people... typically wearing black and looking rather... what's the word... "gangish". I have no clue why they were inching their way down the street, or where they were going... but I was more than glad that they decided to pass us by without paying us any attention whatsoever.
So yes... many a thanks to the group for padding the 'safety in numbers' number, and assisting in the cache-finding. I wonder though... one of the cachers (forget who offhand) said they spotted someone watching us through a window. Could this have been the cache owner perhaps? If not... I'm sure we gave them much confusion as we gathered, scrambled in and around the trees, and then split .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)