The cache is not at the posted coordinates. Coordinates: ROTWUOP, OUPIWTO
9/27/2008 by Kabuthunk
Huzzah! Round two for the win! And the first of 5 today, to boot! I had set out today to both continue my streak of consecutive days caching (now at 7), and had originally planned to tackle some or all of the caches remaining in Assinaboine Park.
But then I thought "Hmm... I've gotta sorta pass by the areaish anyway... I should take another swing at that 'Jungle' cache of OHMIC's". One slight deviation from my original plan later, and I found myself nearing Confusion Corner. As an added bonus, finding this one not only cleared out one more cache from my Dani-Radius, but I also decided to tackle the other unfound caches near Osbourne Village, thus blowing a massive chunk of my Dani-Radius out of the water today .
Wanting to park on the same side of the street as the cache this time, I made a few wrong-turns, looped around a little bit, and eventually found myself parking about 60 meters from the final coordinates. Thankfully, it was fairly quiet today, and I think I saw all of a single other pedestrian during the entire caching.
Vehicular traffic however was a lot heavier... but I'm pretty sure none of them paid any attention to me. Probably moreso on... y'know... not rear-ending the car ahead of them . It was strange that there was so few pedestrians... because it was an absolutely gorgeous day to be outside. As far as weekends go towards the end of summer (ok, well... technically the start of 'fall'), this was definitely a good one to be outside for
Walking over towards the coordinates, I kept in mind OHMIC's tips that he gave me. They would be sure to narrow down my search, anyway. Starting at one end of the aformentioned structure, I began following his tips, turning up nothing. "Strange," I said to myself. "He confirmed it was still there, but I'm not seeing a thing." By the time I was close to 10 meters from where the coordinates were pointing me, I went back to ground zero and kinda thought for a moment.
At which point I began the exact same style of searching again. I mean... I was just about given the most direct hints possible without outright saying where it is . So apparently... I must be blind. But search onwards I did. It got all of about two feet further than my initial attempt minutes earlier, and BINGO! One cache now in hand
VERY awesome hide! The very first time I was here, I had hunted in that EXACT type of spot, only a bit further South. Had I gone but a few feet further back then, I probably would have found it . That'll teach me to abandon a search technique for thinking "it's way too unlikely"
Cache container in hand, I was quite amused my the way the logbook was removed from the container. Pretty convenient and ingenious . A micromail ball fit just perfectly inside of the container, and I signed the log. Closing everything shut again, I replaced it where found and worked my way back to the car. Definitely an awesome way to start the day.
I'm not sure if the coordinates are off however, or if my GPS was just acting up due to the... umm... nearby terrain, shall we say, to avoid giving away too much about the location . The GPS kept bouncing me around a bit here and there, but at most, the coords would be off all of 5 meters anyway, so nothing worth getting my panties in a bunch about to begin with
So a good start to a beautiful day. Thanks for the puzzle and the hide. Although I completely don't understand the hint in the slightest on this one. I'm guessing it's an 'inside joke' type of thing or some such. That, or it just went clear over my head, much like a lot of things I don't understand .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
9/19/2008 by Kabuthunk
No luck for me today, it seems. I had attempted to tackle this cache after work today, but it looks like it wasn't in the cards for me.
I had actually solved this puzzle a long while back. As in like... around a month ago or so . At one point, I was vaguely near the coordinates, but since I was with a friend at the time who wasn't a geocacher (and wasn't all that fond of it... city-type who generally doesn't like the outdoors, etc), and at the time opted not to try to convince him to loop out of our way to tackle this cache. Sadly, I should have tried, since another set of eyes may have helped today.
I swung by here after work today, in hopes of getting another puzzle cache off of my list of caches-to-find-soon. I parked on a nearby street and hoofed it over. It didn't take too long to reach ground-zero, at which point... I could find nothing at all. I searched high and low, back and forth about three or four times. Crouching down and studying the... umm... let's say "structure" to avoid giving the puzzle away... from every possible angle, I could see nothing. I ran my hands over every surface I could find, and even poked around at every little nub, in case the cache was actually a nano or something squeezed into there somewhere.
Alas... I kept turning up nothing. After about 15-20 minutes, and expanding my search to nearby "structures", I ended up abandoning the hunt.
I actually had emailed ohmic about this one, since the coordinates seemed a bit... peculiar... on my GPS's map. He gave me a few tips, but it apparently didn't help me.
Methinks I'll be asking for another tip or two, since this one stumped me. There's not all that many places it could be hiding. I have a vague suspicion that the "green" structure may have something to do with it, but I generally wanted to keep my hands away from that unless I can confirm that's actually the hiding spot. I think it showed that as about 10 meters away from the coordinates the GPS was centering in on, but that could have easily been from an off-day for the GPS. Lord knows that's happened at least a few times in the past .
Hence... I shall be back!
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junglehair style