The original cache was stolen during the Winnipeg Sun's Search for the Gold contest along with most caches in this park. I replaced the container & it contains regular trade items. Originally contained craft supplies, now a log book to sign, & Halloween related trade items for the kids. You're looking for a 30-cal ammo can. Original Description Here's one for the caching kids. This cache is full of craft supplies - everything needed to make your own jungle creature. Keep your creation or leave it in the cache if you wish. If your parents have a digital camera, have them take a photo and post it with their log. Geo_Kitten (age 12) created the Geo Leo that resides in this cache. The grown-up kids are welcome to create their own jungle animals too. There is a FTF certificate for the first KID to find this cache (age 12 and under). Parking lot nearby as long as the gate is open. From there it's less than 200 meters to the cache through an open grassy area suitable for strollers. The cache is located just a few feet into the bush. The gate is closed in the winter making the hike to this cache significantly longer.
7/8/2007 by Kabuthunk
I had found the rest of the caches in this park quite a while ago, and was hoping more would appear sometime in the future. It was quite a large area, tons of room, and quite nice to wander and bike around.
Ask, and ye shall receive .
Drove here with my fiancee and a friend (listed as Night-Red in the logbook... my fiancee opted to stay in the car and read instead of plunge through the dense brush to get to the cache . Thankfully however, my fiancee's brother has had many a football game here, and knew the best place to park for easy access. Had I been the one to park, I'm sure we would have been treking at least three times the distance
But... that aside, we somehow managed to find the worst, densest possible entry towards the cache, despite the fact that we were looking for an EASY route, and quickly found the cache once inside. Nice big container, too. MAN, if only I hadn't recently bought up all the googly-eyes I need for a random project that I'm working on. Unfortunately as well, I didn't have any supplies to put into the cache either. Was unaware that was the theme when coming here . Had I known, I'd have left a ziplock with various sizes of rings for chainmailling. Perhaps if I'm in the area again, I'll make a note to bring a bag of rings, and maybe a pair of pliers with me to leave in the cache
This time however... the cache will have to suffice with just a chainmail ball . But, a nice mini-forest cache that I got to do with others
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Unusual pile of sticks.