This is a small cache in plain view. It contains a log book and pencil and some small trade items. STEALTH is required as it can be a very populated area at certain times of the day or evening! Please do NOT attempt to retrieve if you feel it will expose the location! A private place to examine the cache is recommended, and then a safe and precise return to it's original spot please! If you feel like eyes are on you, they may very well be! Afterall, it is a room with a view! ;) However, this is not to deter anyone from just going for it! As is the case most often, bystanders tend to not pay much attention to us crazy cachers! All permission has been granted for this location. Also, be mindful of the little tykes in the area when driving up! Have fun! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/28/2007 by Kabuthunk
Ok, of all caches I've done... THIS one is BY FAR the wettest that I've ever done .
After having just tackled most of Kings Park, and one additional cache at the U of M that was new, I was at a bit of a debate with myself.
Lessee... dark clouds to the West... extremely likely chance of rain in the near future. Cache is listed as 1.47 km's away from me at the time of checking. What are the odds that I can bike 1.47 km's before the rain arrives. Or failing that... will it even rain, or pass over?
Having made a trip SPECIFICALLY to go after *Butterfly*'s caches, I decided to go for broke. I was wearing relatively old clothes (well, old pants, vaguely newer shirt... so it averages out to somewhat old ), so even if I did get caught with a little bit of rain, it was no big deal. OFF I WENT!
Oh, I was off all right... for thinking I could beat the rain. At about 800 meters to the cache (completely forgetting that offroad direct-line distance is quite a bit different than following-road distance ), the downpour started. And not just a little downpour like at a previous cache today... no, I'm talking a BIG downpour. And I'm NOWHERE close to anything vaguely resembling shelter. It's decision time now... do I hightail it for home, or just say 'screw it' and keep going.
Well... I'm going to get soaked trying to get home anyway... I might as well get the cache to make it worth it . So on the rain poured... and on I biked. Reaching the intersection to turn off of Pembina... I went the wrong way
. Yep... sure as my username is Kabuthunk, I have no sense of direction. Y'see... I had taken my GPS off of the mount on my bike handlebars when the rain started to fall and put it in my pocket. Hence, not having the map directly in front of me when I was turning, I idiotically went the wrong way. About a half-block of going West, I rechecked the GPS... uttered several obcenities, and turned around
Of course, at every red light, I had to stop to let traffic go, thus letting me sit in the rain without being able to continue .
Whisking down the street in the rain, I rather spiralled around until I got close to the cache. At first, I thought it was in a really dense bush, so I slowed down by it. Thinking to myself, I pondered "Man... in the middle of a condo-type place... I'd think that might get stolen easily". At which point I looked at my GPS again, and realized that I was still 30 meters away from it .
Yar... Kabuthunks and not-using-GPS's don't get along all that well .
Getting closer, I spot what can only be the cache hiding spot. Putting away my GPS, I feel around and discover I'm correctly. Happily, the fact that it's friggin' POURING out is keeping the bystander population at zero . Shielding the logbook from the rain with my body, I sign it and put it back. OFF I WENT!
As well... I decided to bike straight through the center of deep puddles on the way home. I'm already soaked to the bone, so I might as well have some fun while I'm at it. Not since I was a kid have I been so carefree in the rain .
Thanks for the interesting adventure, the likes of which I'd have never had without going after this geocache .
Took: A lot of rain soaked into me
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)