This will be a challenging cache for almost everyone. (not anymore) Please return the cache exactly where you found it, if you find it.
Good Luck!! Container is small and contains an FTF certificate and some Manitoba pins
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/4/2007 by Kabuthunk
Well, for the record, I'm officially an idiot. This will mainly apply to those who are set to 'watch' this cache listing. I accidentally logged this cache two days ago when I mean to log another one, and only figured it out now (when I ACTUALLY found this one). Hence, I deleted the old 'found' log of mine, and am recreating it with this current, correct-date log. Unfortunately however, there's a geocoin listed as being in this cache, when it's ACTUALLY supposed to be in the 'This one's for you Manny' cache nearby. I'll be attempting to correct that. Until such time... yeah, that Pilot geocoin isn't here at this moment.
BUT... on with the REAL cache log for this cache. I had a really fun time doing this one. After finding my way down a biking trail into the trees (the soil is still kinda soggy, but was dry enough to not cause many mud-related issues), I followed it to the approximate coordinates. At which point, I poked around here and there... and it ended up taking me all of 10 seconds to find the cache's hiding spot. Niiiice . I like caches that make you work for 'em
So... my first attempt to retrieve the cache ended up with me not even trying my first method . I stood around and thought about it... then thought better of it. On to attempt two! Using a handy tool nearby (there's many, luckly enough), I was able to obtain the cache! That however, was the easy part. Placing the cache BACK again was a touch more interesting. Unfortunately, I'm not the best at the several sports which might build useful skills to replace the cache, so I had to attempt about 5 minutes worth before I successfully replaced the cache. VICTORY!
After that, I continued biking through the trail through the trees and bushes. Really nice trail by the way. If anyone else wants a nice bike ride, go for it . Although, at this time of year, I think approximately 800 canker-worms thwapped against me as I was biking down the trail
. Only one managed to get a grip on me, but I sent him on his merry way shortly after getting back out in the open.
Nice cache placement though .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
EDIT: Geocoin issue corrected
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Monday, June 04, 2007 at 11:20:10 PM.]
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)