The cache is in a camoed 500 ml pill container. It contains a FTF certificate with a g.c. from nearby establishment, logbook and pencil, and a couple of foreign coins and small trade items. Please just write date and name, keeping your log entry small. Enjoy your trip out to my neck of the woods. Congrats to Lizardo for being FTF! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/14/2009 by Kabuthunk
There was several reasons I went after this cache. The primary reason is actually probably the most unusual of them. For the past several times of visiting Bird's Hill Park, I've always noticed that I'm passing an actual town called "Bird's Hill". Now, more often than not, I like to shorten "Bird's Hill Park" down to just "Bird's Hill" when speaking to others or referencing it somewhere. However... I had never actually found a cache in the actual town of Bird's Hill, nor had I ever actually travelled through it. Thus... today I would change that.
Other reason however included 'not wanting to end my total finds today at 13, since that number already proved itself ridiculously unlucky', 'not being sure if my previous single-day find record was 12 or 13', and finally 'because it was nearby' .
Given the last cache I had gone after... Santa's Purse in Bird's Hill Park... had run me through an absolutely insane pile of bushes (due to my own stupidity, mind you), I felt that I needed a bit of a more relaxing geocache to end the day with. Thus, checking the GPS as I was on my way out of the park, I eventually decided to lock it onto THIS cache and work my way over. This town kinda reminds me of where I grew up out in the country... or at least the slightly bigger town of 'Lorette' nearby. However... is it my imagination, or does everyone there drive like a psychopath? If people weren't tailgating the hell out of me, they were squealing away from wherever they were, or just... stopping their vehicle in the middle of nowhere on the road. Perhaps it's just an abundance of 'Sunday drivers', but it was a little unsettling, anyway.
But... soon after I parked my car on a nearby street and started towards the coordinates. I was hoping that, much like the cache description says, it'd be an "easy drive-up cache". I certainly needed one at this point . And thankfully, it turned out to be exactly that. In fact, I was mildly surprised that it's only gone missing once in it's entire history (which appears to be quite abundant... I'm the 70th finder!). Thankfully, the area was very quiet... but given it was about 6:30pm by this point, I'm guessing most residents had gone home. Searching through the cache container, I discovered that actually obtaining the log to find it was a bit more difficult than anticipated. I ended up having to remove all of the stickers inside before I could fanangle my fingers inside enough to be able to tweeze the logbook baggie between them. Not long after however, the logbook was signed, and everything was back inside. One micromail ball later (had run out of regular-size chainmail balls at find number 11), and the cache was back in place. I think during the entire time I was there, not a single person passed me or a single car drove by. Which was pleasant
Thanks for the cache. Definitely for a lot easier experience than the last one .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)