So I get to work today... take calls for a while... and slowly (as higher-ups leave for the day) pull out my chainmaille supplies... get some christmas presents made... when I discover an unpleasantry.
I see a single pair of pliers in my bag... and the rings. I don't have my 'ring tool', which would be the remaining tool needed to y'know... close rings.
"No problem" I think, and go into my bag for the spare ring tool that should be clipped to my pile o' chainmaille samples. Not there. I realize that I was wearing it yesterday, and must have taken it off... and forgot to put any rings on this morning. Dang.
So I put away all of my chainmail, grumbling about not being able to do any today. During this time of non-mailling, I use that time to think.
"How can I 'make' another ring tool to chainmaille with"
So I go through my bag (also in a blind hope that I just dropped it in there). I have... chainmaille rings... a few keyrings... some thread... some needles... and that's about it for items I wouldn't care about "converting" into a tool.
An idea springs to mind. Basically... all I need for the 'ring tool' is a thin slot, about the width of a ring, that's sturdy enough to be able to twist a ring inside of, and big enough to hold (or in the shape of a ring, to wear on a finger... hence 'ring tool'). My mind comes up with a plan:
I take a keyring... slide two small chainmaille rings into the slot... and use the thread to essentially "tie" them there. The strength of the keyring should keep it from bending itself, the small chainmaille rings hold the gap open, as well as making it the right width for other rings (since I'm using the same width ring for everything, and the thread keeps everything together.
And lo... 10 minutes later, I have what is quite possibly the worst quality ring-tool ever made.
But it works.
It may be slower going, but the thread is holding, and it can be (very loosely) worn over the finger like the ring tool... but it still works.
Amazing what you can do when you're determined enough :P |
![A split photo, showing a faded and used ring with slits in it, and an arrow pointing down to three views of a homemade one, a keyring with smaller rings tied into it with blue thread, sitting on a pale surface.](ringtool1.jpg) |