The Warrior The sky was black like charcoal, and lightning cracked in the distance. The warrior stood, water running down his face, enduring. His opponent opposite him, a great man in an iron suit. The two had been striking eachother for hours, neither giving in. Slices and scuffs covered their armour, and they stood in wait, neither of them moving. A sudden slash, and he ducked backward, it had just swung over his face. He reeled, and turned his eye. Swinging his sword, he narrowly glanced off the armour before it was past. He charged in. Following the beast, he dove to the side as the giant turned and drove his sword backward. Turning on his side, the sword swung. Cleaving through the man's neck, his sword drove into the dirt, and the world stood still. The man fell to the ground, his armour gashed and dented. The chainmaille about his neck gashed in two. The head rolled to the side, coming to a halt. The warrior paused a moment, then turned his eyes toward the mountain. An army stood between him and his foe. A storm awaited him. KatieLynne