What happens with a middle-age woman discovers how to listen to music

So yeah... looks like I discovered music or something. I recently realized that I never really listened to music for the sake of it growing up. It was always a background sound more than anything, which in and of itself may have been turned off. Not sure if that contributed, but I also noticed that I never pay attention to the lyrics in music either, except maybe the chorus. Hell, I may know the words, but I didn't bother putting any of the sentences together (on that note, some lyrics are absolutely hilarious, even moreso since they were trying to be serious). When I DO listen to music, which has been fairly often the past few years, I've just been hearing the song for the rhythm, beat, etc. The lyrics could be in Swahili for all it matters to me, they're basically just another instrument in my head. No clue why I never listened to the words, your guess is as good as mine. But that aside, since I enjoy listening to damn near everything, I may as well see what kind of feeling I get when I just lie back, relax, and just lose myself in the music.

So if anyone has any particularly good songs of damn near any genre that they recommend I try listening to, post it on Zebeth's facebook page.

And I mean ANYTHING. Having started to delve into this fairly new experience, I've equally enjoyed for example Behemoth - At the left hand ov god, Diary of Dreams - Blind in darkness, Selena Gomez - Come and get it, Pavarotti - Vesti La Giubba, Guns N' Roses - November rain, Venetian Snares - Molly's reach around, Abruptum - de Profundis Mors Vas Cousumet, 2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up and the intro to Saber Marionette J just to name a few. Unless I currently harbour a dislike of a song (off the top of my head, Bruno Mars - The lazy song... absolutely hate that one, but I don't mind a few of his other songs), I'll at the bare minimum give it a listen. So if there's some song or genre you don't think I'll like... throw it down for me.

And hey... this sounds like a good opportunity for SCIENCE! Simply being pragmatic about it, how often does someone come along that's basically never seen music as an activity in and of itself, and after finding out how relaxing and fun it is to get lost in the music, and THEN plans to document his first experiences as such over every possible genre of music both new and classic, AAAAAND hopefully has a good enough grasp of the english language to hopefully do a decent job describing things? Don't know if this has ever been documented before... so let's get it started then, just in case. This may not count for anything whatsoever, seeing as I have no idea what type of data to collect, so I'll just be winging it above. But I DO love documenting things, and science... so if there's some way I might be able to contribute to it... hell, why not. Not like it hurts me any. The worst case scenario is *literally* nothing. FOR SCIENCE!

As added fun, I've now sung karaoke for the first time ever, as of January 2017! My first two songs ever karaoke'd were Metallica - Nothing Else Matters and Steve Earle - Copperhead Road :D

So hey, who wants to hear something unusual about me? Because y'know... me mentioning things about my life is SO unheard of here.
But anyway, like many people... I'd wager the vast majority... I enjoy music. First off... and bear with me here... I bounce around from one genre to another to listen to for a while, and have been and am a fan of everything from dubstep to industrial to pop to black and death metal, and a slew of others.
No, seriously, it's everywhere. I have "favourite songs" in anime music, gothic rock, oldies, country, classical, rap, IDM, synthpop... hell even the genres lowercase, nintendocore, and tibetan chant. I've spent time enjoying ALL of those... and probably a pile of others.
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of music I hate. Most everything boy-bandish, a lot of country, and various songs of any genre out there. But this isn't the weird part. Hell, I assume most people tend to be like this.

No, I just recently discovered actually LISTENING to the music. Y'see, for as long as I'm capable of remembering, any time I listened to music, it was just "there", instead of me listening to it. Any time there was music, I half-ignored it, and focused basically all of my attention to the task at hand.
Most songs, odds are I won't know the lyrics, since I never really paid attention to them. But I pondered recently that other people generally can sing along or whatever. So I tried just lying down and listening to music. Not "doing something with the music in."
How haven't I tried just lying back and listening to music for the sake of listening to music? This is frickin' AWESOME. I got all lost in the music, and actually lost track of time! I've NEVER done that with music... only things like programming, or making Zebeth, or other tasks I get absorbed in.
Man, I've got a whole TON of differemt music I've gotta try this with. Actually paying attention to the MUSIC?!? Unfathomable! But it must be done... for SCIENCE! I have been experimenting with different music genres to do. Music shall become quite interesting for me in the ear future, I think.

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