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Not a good sign

What kept this comic from seeing the light of day for like.. ever, was panel 4. I musta redone it like 20 times over the last couple months. I'm still not terribly happy with it, but there are times when one needs to stop holding themself to an impossible standard and move on. Hopefully it looks good enough for everyone else. I'm pleased with the doors themselves (the blue pieces) but not the body (in the middle), however I am certainly tired of tweaking it.

We gotta hurry, the others must know!
Why am I carrying you?
We'd heard rumours lately about the lowers. Nobody really believed them, but then the sounds started so we decided to investigate it.
Why was Mother Brain not informed?
She cares what happens to us?
...point taken.
...oh my god...
I take it this isn't the norm around here?

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Hiroshi, Sage, and all other original characters are my own creations, so ask politely if you want to use them. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint; occasional editing help from Kabutroid using whatever she uses. The html was based off of Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.